Monday, December 29, 2008

Proportionate force

The lovely Mr. UN Secretary General conflated the attitudes of world in one concise position. He stated that while Israel has the right to defend itself (Bush administration position), he condemns the use of "excessive force" (position of almost all non US governments, laughably including Russia, China, Iran and other paragons of war moderation). I suppose that he means by this that if Israel kills 20 civilians in trying to kill 400 Hamas soldiers hiding behind them, and Hamas kills only a handful of civilians among the hundreds that they are trying to kill, this is disproportionate. In other words, you may defend yourself as long as you don't win, or make too big a mess. What the heck is "disproportionate", shooting more, killing more? That used to be called "winning".

But new rules of engagement need to be drawn for the Middle East to suit the UN. Israel may defend itself by asking the missile crews of Gaza to "please" stop shooting at their kindergartens. However, "pretty please" would be disproportionate.

Official UN counters should be placed to count every missile shot toward Sederot and Ashkelon. The Israelis would then be allowed to take an equal number of shots, from an equal distance at Palestinian civilian centers.

Official UN counters should count every "Death to Jews" chanted in Gaza. Jews in Israel would then be allowed to chant an equal number of "Death to the Arabs", until the UN watchdogs told them they must stop.

When a Palestinian steals a bulldozer and runs over 6 people in a crowded city street in Jerusalem, Israel would be allowed to go to Khan Yunis, steal a bulldozer, and indiscriminately run over 6 and only 6 civilians.

When Iran vows to wipe Israel off the map, Israel may vow to wipe Iran off the map. Promising, intimating, and certainly, threatening are excessive. Actually possessing the arms with which to do it is unthinkable barbarianism. If Iran threatens to kill every man, woman and child in Israel, Israel must count that number of people, say 6 million, and then they may threaten to kill 6 million Iranian men, women and children, certainly not more.

If Iran threatens to attack Jewish communities around the world, Israel may threaten an equal number of Iranians living around the world.

For every news story falsely claiming that dozens of Palestinians were killed, Israel would be allowed to publicize and exactly equal number of false claims.

Notably, Obama has shown the backbone expected. His position is not to take a position. Fortunately, as he keeps telling us, there is only one president at a time. I guess he is just a guy in the neighborhood. I suppose he has right not to condemn either side, or make stupid comments like the UN SG. But just which side are you on Mr. President Elect? The side that you fundraised for and the side that openly endorsed you in the election, or the side that produced 78% of its adherents to actually vote for you, the side with which you professed to empathize? Is there a spine anywhere in your past of future or are you just a devolved invertebrate? You cannot be both a Zionist empathizer and a Hamas booster. Pick a side! Maybe you should have looked into this before the campaign!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The weekly Obama

Today begins the Jewish holiday of Hanukah. 2200 years ago a Jewish army pushed a large Syrian force out of their country. They were defending religous freedom. Today, Obama accused the Macabees of clinging to spears and religion.

The holiday is celebrated by burning oil. Obama administration officials have announced a global warming Hanukah tax to combat this pressing issue. He will allow limited drilling for olives in coastal areas.

For the last two days the northeast has been buried in record snowstorms and cold temperatures. To keep the heat up at the UN, the IPCC burned its last predictions on global warming.

Addressing gun advocates, Obama said, "do not worry, you and your guns are safe." Wasn't that their argument against gun control all along? Of course, they are safe. THEY HAVE GUNS!

Oil prices dropped to record lows. Anti - Bush forces claimed that high prices were engineered by Bush. What will they say about record low prices? I know, more Bush incompetence.

Obama announced that the economy will get worse before it gets better. Sure, now you tell us, after we elected you.

The Iranian government announced their disappointment that Obama is preparing to follow the same disappointing policies of the past. More outpouring of world love and affection for Obama's election. MSNBC reporters were dumbfounded.

Biden said today, "To President Elect Obama I said that I want a commitment from you that in every important decision you'll make, every critical decision, economic and political as well as foreign policy, I'll get to be in the room.  Every single solitary appointment he has made thus far, I have been in the room, the recommendations I have made in most cases, coincidentally, have been the recommendations that he's picked, not because I made them, but because we think a lot alike."  Then he said, "coincidentally, when I told President-Elect Obama to get me a cup of coffee, he brought it right away.  We were thinking the same thing."

Obama responded that even though he had been there daily for each meeting, he had no idea what Biden was saying.  Welcome to our world, Mr. President Elect.

Reverend Wright was not invited to make an invocation at the inauguration.  He has been close to Obama for 20 years, but Obama is afraid to have him around.  Wright said something about Obama being too chicken to let him roost.

Farrakhan also was not invited.  He said he would watch the proceedings from the mother spaceship hovering over Washington.  He'll have the Honorable Elijah Mohammed hover nice and close.

Obama is taking a lot of heat for selecting Rick Warren to give the invocation.   We know that Obama is extremely discriminating about choosing his religious spokesmen.  Gays are saying that Rev. Warren is extremely anti-gay.  They got the impression when he began his last sermon, "G-d bless homosexuals?  No, No, No!!! ..."

The reverend also cringed at references to the scandal around filling Obama's seat.

Biden said the measure of economic success in an Obama administration would be whether the middle class was growing.  Then he added, as rich families join the ranks of the middle class, it should grow even more.

Today the Obama team announced, regarding the scandal around Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevitch, exactly who was responsible for Blago's haircut.  Repercussions could be harsh.

In order to get in touch with the middle class, Obama is celebrating the holidays the way that every middle class family does.  He went to vacation in Hawaii for, like, the 4th time this year.  In all fairness, he was born in Hawaii.  He lived there for a few months as a baby.  The place is like home to him.

As we all know, Hawaii was the 50th state to join the union.  The President Elect says that one of his first priorities when he enters office is to find out what the Bush administration did with the other 7 states.

Monday, December 15, 2008

More Obama monologues

The late night hosts have complained that they can't find anything humorous to say about Obama, other than fawning reverence. Here are yet more suggestions.

An Iraqi reporter threw both his shoes at President Bush. In Washington, Nancy Pelosi said, "You can do that??"

In Iraq, throwing shoes at someone is the biggest insult you can give someone. Offering him a flock of sheep in exchange for his daughter, not so much, but shoes.... !!!!!

Yesterday, a Yale professor listed the hundred most memorable quotes of 2008, mostly from the campaign. Not a single Obama quote. However, Tina Fey's parody of Palin's comment about Russia topped the list. In trying to explain that Alaska was in true proximity to Russia, and a "border state", Palin mentioned that you could see Russia from the western islands of Alaska. Fey parodied her as saying "I can see Russia from my house". This, in the professor's opinion, pointed out to many people her inexperience and lack of knowledge. Thank G-d we elected a guy for vice president who was a senator for 2 full years. oops make that PRESIDENT.

He said that McCain's comment, that the fundamentals of the economy are sound, showed him to be out of touch. Meanwhile back in Illinois, Gov. Blagojevitch said, "what do you mean? Anyone with some ambition can make LOTS of money in this economy!"

He did not include Obama's famed "guns and religion" quote, though "it was close". What does it say about our electorate that the president-elect, promoted entirely on his oratory abilities, does not have a single one of the top memorable quotes. As for Biden, the professor said that he didn't include people who need their own list.

Speaking of Blagojevitch, investigators claim to be able to recognize the voice of Rahm Emmanuel, negotiating with the governor. Actually, they weren't sure it was Emanuel until he threatened that if he didn't get what he wanted, Blago's goldfish would be "sleeping with the fishes". Emanuel's involvement on behalf of Obama's favored candidate implies bad things for Obama. Obama's spokesman said, "Clinton was right, 'is' really is a tricky word to define."

Obama says that his administration will move quickly on the most pressing issue, global warming. All of you in the Hudson Valley are relieved, I'm sure.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Plenty of material

Leno and Letterman again whined that Obama doesn't produce the kind of material that previous presidents and president-elects have. He is just too solemn and perfect it seems. Are you guys listening?

Rice was apparently not successful in the latest round of diplomacy in India. Fortunately, terrorists are expected to hand in their weapons and give up now that Obama is elected and everyone loves us. At least on MSNBC.

Obama has successfully defused Rev. Wright, and pulled away from him. During the campaign, Obama claimed he had no idea what Jeremiah Wright was saying for 20 years of consistent attendence. I have hard time believing that. If he did not know what his wife was saying for 20 years, I could accept it, but not his preacher.

He also did not know the history of his famous acquaintence Bill Ayers. Nor did he know the genocidal pretentions of Khalid Rashidi, nor did he understand the award given to Farrakhan by Rev. Wright. And he is not quite sure what those guys in the turbans mean by "Death to America". He never heard them say it. He will look into it.

He isn't quite sure about his birthplace either. He was very young at the time.

Michelle Obama says this is the first time she has been proud of her country since we elected Rueben over Clay on American idol.

See guys, not so hard.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More of same

Jokes you won't hear on late night or SNL. But for democracy to survive, someone must do it.

Obama chose Biden for his 35 years of Senate service. 35 years, now that is a seasoned ticket. Between them that would make, oh, about 37 years of experience.

Obama was listed as the #1 liberal before the election, ahead of Biden at #3 and Socialist Sanders at #2. Now I see why he bristled at being called a socialist. He didn't want to be classified with the right wing. Those conservatives over in Moscow are going to challenge him right away. No wonder you need an elephant on the right, just to keep the government from tipping over.

A MSNBC correspondent expressed his disappointment this weekend that terrorists weren't stopping their violent acts after Obama's election. He thought the world would love us now that we had elected Obama. Meanwhile, the correspondent is flying to England to do a documentary on why that German guy started a war, even though England had a popular prime minister.

There is a lot of excitement about Gitmo closing. Make the terrorists go back to live in Afghanistan, that'll teach 'em.

Dems are angry that Obama has chosen Gates to remain Secretary of Defense. They wanted him to select an established moderate realist from the Democrat party, experienced in military matters and supported by generals, like, um, uh, um ... Hmmmm, I can't think of anyone either.

Obama supports efforts to bring Joe Lieberman back to the Dem fold. He thinks that we need to let bygones be bygones, at least until he can show Franken how to steal the Minnesota election and get the 60th vote.

Election officials may audit Obama's campaign, with its unaccounted foreign donations and secret donor lists. Obama is trying to find someone who has experience handling deep financial investigations, explaining away lost records and dancing around shady accounting practices. He has a potential candidate, but he wonders how she can handle the investigation and the State Department at the same time.

Saxby Chambliss won back his seat in a landslide, despite efforts by Obama and millions of dollars spent on Martin's campaign. ACORN activists were seen dejectedly removing campaign signs from the cemetaries and park benches.

Obama angrily retorted that they should have listening better in his classes.

Obama now has 59 votes in the senate. While he does not have a filibuster-proof block, at least he is guaranteed a majority among the 57 states.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Jokes you won't hear on late night

Bruce Springsteen has been invited to the inauguration. For reasons unexplained, Obama will not allow him to play "Born in the USA".

The price of oil is down and the heat in my building is way up. I was sweating like Obama with his teleprompter on the blink.

Obama is very concerned about how to react to the Mumbai terror attack. Biden has already suggested boycotting slurpees in retaliation.

Obama is discussing implementing his tax cuts for small businesses, like his new friend Joe the auto maker.

Some have suggested a special day set aside for Obama. He would join Martin Luther King, Abe Lincoln, and other great American figures who actually did something.

Today Obama clarified that Oprah was a just "a talk show host in the neigborhood".

The numbers show that Obama / Biden got far more positive and far less negative coverage than the Republicans. MSNBC, Politico and a Time editor have admitted that (and I quote) "Senators Obama and Biden received much more positive coverage than their opponents, the old, senile guy and and the ditzy hot chick."

Obama did not publicly thank the SNL cast for all of the support they gave him throughout the campaign. He didn't want to be smeared as the guy who pals around with comedians.

Obama is now trying to downplay expectations that his administration is going to fix everything. I don't know when his campaign ever gave us that idea.

Policians always take a posture during the campaign. Their actions after they are elected are the one "change we can believe it".

Can't he just turn fish into loaves of bread or something?

Obama will enter office with highest positive rating of any polician in recent memory. Do you think the press and late night shows had anything to do with it?

A consultant with MSNBC admitted that he made up a misquote about Gov. Palin not knowing that Africa is a continent. And recently, Obama said he mispoke when he said that he could see Nairobi from his birthplace.

Reporters tried to speak to Obama after one of his gym workouts, where they found him a bit grungy and sweaty. But don't worry Mr. Biden, at least he is still articulate.

Hillary Clinton will become secretary of state. She wants to answer the phone in the White House at 3AM. She will be relieved just to answer the phone and find anyone on the other end who is not a 20 year old female wanting to speak to her husband. (OK, you might hear this one on late night.)

More to come

Monday, November 17, 2008

SNL, Letterman, no sign of Obama

After 9/11, there was this ominous feeling of something missing. There were no planes in the sky. It is was strange that, no matter when you looked, you did not see a plane, you did not hear that background hum, you did not see trails. Nothing. Part of the woodwork was gone.

Now I am reminded of this by another ominous lacking, Obama jokes. SNL, Today, Leno, Letterman, not one joke that disparages Obama, ... ever. Disparaging jokes about candidates are part of every campaign season. Biden's hair plugs, Gore's boringness, Clinton's lecherous appetite, Hillary's cold demeanor, any given Republican's stupidity, bigotry, evilness or all of the above, have all been fodder for the yucksters. Sarah Palin owes her entire inviability as a future candidate to SNL. McCain was depicted as a doddering, senile idiot. Bush is frequently depicted as childish, unable to read and the like. All of this is fair game, and should be. But, while Obama had to wear a poncho to keep the drool of the fawning press from staining his clothes, how is he exempt from late night skewerings that every other candidate has had to endure, during and after the campaign? It is scary silence. Obviously, not every joke has to be disparaging to be funny, but there needs to be some humor vetting somewhere for the man who malaproped his way through 57 states, who did not know what his preacher was saying for 20 years, who invented an award for Farrakhan to replace the trophy given to him by Obama's church, who was declared the Messiah by said crazy man, who did not know about Ayers or ACORN, and who "overstated" or "mispoke" numerous times in totally reversing his early naive positions into viable campaign points. Come on people, Obama is too solemn a character to be funny? (To be fair, there have been a few Messiah jokes, but nothing truly disparaging as the other candidates got.)

Truly Biden is a laugh a minute, from patriotic taxation, to giving millions to Iran to combat terrorism, to praising Obama as clean and articulate, to electing FDR early and putting him on television, to swearing they had never given any money to ACORN (well it was only a million dollars, who can keep track?). Is there a comedian who can find anything to say?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ghosts of debates past

The presidential debates have been the "getting to know you" vehicle of elections since the 1860 election. In our times, some of the remarkable wins and losses were established during the presidential and vice presidential contests, views by tens of millions. Here are some of the knock out punches and suicide statements that shaped the presidency.

1980: President James E. Carter and former California governor Ronald W. Reagan
In response to the image of warmonger and John Wayne hothead that the Democrats tried to build on Reagan, Carter accused Reagan of pushing us to war with Russia. The succinct KO response:
Reagan: There he goes again!

Reagan swept Carter out of office.

1984: President Ronald W. Reagan and former Vice President Walter Mondale
In response to the image of "tax and spend liberal" that the Republicans planted on Mondale, he had this to say on Reagan's proposed tax cuts, juxtaposed to Mondale's proposed hikes.

Mondale: In the end, I will raise your taxes; he will raise your taxes; the difference is that I am going to tell you about it now.

Mondale won two states in the election. Ouch!!!!!

1988 Vice President Danforth Quayle and Texas senator Lloyd Benson
In response to Quayle's frequent references to JFK, and the Republican attempts to show the leftward migration of the Democrat party since that time. The RNC wanted to sell the concept that JFK policies were more in line with current Republicans than Democrats. The Democrats had painted Quayle as an intellectual lightweight throughout the campaign, very successfully.

Benson: I knew Jack Kennedy. He was a friend of mine. And, sir, you are no Jack Kennedy.

The two fisted combination knockout was not enough to save the Dukakis campaign, but it became common to hear that were Bush elected, we must hope he survives his term, and if Dukakis wins, we must hope he does not. Fact checkers later verified that Benson had never actually known Kennedy, profesionally or socially. But that wasn't the point, was it?

2004 Vice President Richard B. Cheney and North Carolina senator John Edwards
After fairly successful Democrat efforts to demonize the VP and paint him as the "the man behind the curtain" in the Bush administation, John Edwards tried to paint himself as a leader with a new direction. Cheney's fierce KO was a stark sobering of the senator. Edwards had commented on his own experience as a senator.

Cheney: In my capacity as Vice President, I am president of the senate, the presiding officer... and I have never met you before you walked on stage tonight.

Fact checkers found that the two had crossed paths at a social function in Washington at some length of time earlier, but Cheney's point was made, forcefully. In fact, with presented with the evidence, Cheney remarked, "Obviously, he made no impression on me."

2004 President George W. Bush Jr. and Massachuetts senator John F. Kerry
Toward the end of the 3rd debate, the moderator tried an off topic question "What have the strong women in your life taught you. Kerry's remarks were largely considered condescending and patronizing, as his stiff patrician delivery had hampered him throughout his public appearances. He comments that he married up, a self-effacing remark in the eyes of most in the public, as he had married a fabulously wealthy widow, Teresa Heinz, and it came off badly, as an implication that he was a golddigger and proud of it. Bush, betraying the folksy image that he lived on, takes the Effus pitch out of the park.

Bush: To listen to them. To stand up straight and not scowl.

The actual comments are not as important as the fact that, after the long campaign season and at the end of the debate, Bush had the room rocking with laughter. People obviously took it home. For all the attempts to demonize Bush and paint him as an intellectual lightweight, he walked away with 3 million more voters that didn't believe it, or didn't care.

Oddly enough, the best debater in recent presidential memory, William J. B. Clinton, scored no great KO's, even on the hapless debate style of Robert Dole. Whatever he did was obviously effective so perhaps he did not need them. Bush also did not score one on the extremely vulnerable Albert Gore Jr. I hope that McCain and Obama, and certainly Biden and Palin, can produce some fire.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Iraq and al-Qaeda

Facts are mean little boogers. With everyone rushing forward to say that Iraq was not complicit in the 9/11 attacks and was not in cahoots with al Qaeda, something rings problematic. Is not the group of terrorists that we are fighting in Iraq called "al Qaeda Iraq"? Did they not especially take that name (with communication directly with Zawahiri, a guy the US military cannot even find, much less communicate with, but this person, Zarqawi, with "no ties to al Qaeda" had immediate communication with him?) shortly after first attacking US troops. The troop surge has quieted the threats significantly, but before that, does anyone else remember the beheadings and frequent suicide attacks? This week, Iraqi troops took control of the volatile Anbar province. Because of the surge, we are beginning to disengage in Iraq, but no one can question why they are there. In fact, the president issued an indictment of Osama bin Laden, and the fourth point in the indictment was that he was cooperating with Saddam's Iraq especially in the development of WMD. But the president was lying, as usual. There was no link, no WMD, no terror in Iraq, the president made it up. So only one question remains:

WHY DID PRESIDENT CLINTON LIE ABOUT THIS???!!!! The indictment in question was handed down in 1998, by Janet Reno, the attorney general serving President WJB Clinton.

Palin scandals

So far, the criticism of Palin has been prolific. How can she take care of 5 kids and a pregnant daughter? How can she take care of a high needs Downs syndrome baby? What if she were thrust into the presidency on day one, because John McCain is about to go to pasture at the ripe old age of 72? What about the scandal with her sister's ex? Can she recover from the devastating revelation that her teenage daughter is unmarried and pregnant?

All I can say is, OMG, the Dems are WORRIED!! With Biden now baring his teeth at any mention of his Iran philosophy, this is the best they could do with 2 days of dredging? An unmarried pregnant teen? Unheard of in 2008! According to reports, they are going to paint the shotgun white and there is no chance that they will abort, so pass the champagne and congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. (Note: Obama's mom apparently felt the same, so a gold star for her.) Do the reporters hear themselves asking of this woman should be caring for her children, rather than running for office? Look at the calendar, people, 2008 not 1908. Woman today can work and raise a family. Were Carter, Kennedy, Clinton all able to take care of young children and serve in the presidency? Duh! Has no one ever heard of a nursemaid caretaker? Down's children need special attention and I am sure she will select a professional who can help her care for the baby and be an attentive mother even when she is working, with or without the vice presidency. And for goodness sake, a healthy 72 year old is not imminently going to keel over. And she may have pressured a director to remove a gun and badge from the hands of a violent angry individual. We can't have that! Sarah, back to your kitchen, get those shoes off, and crank out another kid!

OTOH, Obama called off the dogs and declared these feeble attacks off limits. Besides being the right thing to do, it was apparent that Obama was sincerely bothered by the nature of attacks on Palin's family. Whatever happens to his campaign, the man is a class act, in stark contrast to the likes of Kerry and the Clintons. I'd like to see Obama get a bounce just for class.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin - Typical McCain

The man with the hair trigger shoots from the hip. Nothing new here. Palin was not on anyone's VP radar, but she definitely adds a dimension to this race. And no, that is not a reference to her Miss Alaska credentials, but a contrast to the uninspired choice of Joe Biden. Nothing says change like more of the same, and nothing say more the same like Joe Biden. He is a Senator, "entitled" to his seat, playing whatever cards Reid and company wnat "everyone" to play. He takes all of the safe Democrat positions on issues, extending himself only to lean more left than his party. IOW, he is the right age, the right color, the right longevity, the right part of the country, the right philosophy to not be a "bad" pick and lose. But those who play not to lose usually lose bad. Ask Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen, the NE Patriots, or any of the heavily favored silver medal stars of the past. Obama was about taking chances, that was his charm. His VP pick shows that he is changing course and playing it safe. And safe is not safe.

McCain, on the other hand, took a huge risk. He selected a historic candidate on several counts. She will be the second woman to run on a major party ticket. She has 1.5 year of executive experience as a small state governor, which the Dems cannot poo-poo for obvious reasons, after displaying the Clintons for two days. The other three candidates have ZERO. She is clean, and I do not be in the sense that Biden called Obama "clean". She is corruption free. Her biggest scandal is that she may have used her authority as governor to force a commissioner to fire a state trooper who had been known to get violent with his ex-wife, Palin's sister. We can't have people getting thrown off the force and losing a gun and badge, just because they are violent, now can we? She is religious, family woman and pro-life, often used against a candidate. She is only 44, but so was copresident hillary in 1992. McCain feels that this a time for pragmatism, so he pulls Palin out of a hat. Did it work? Put it this way. Obama's team immediately criticized her appointment, and Obama called them off. That's right, Obama was forced to praise the pick, feeling that criticizing her would harm him with Hillary supporters.

Sarah Palin is the anti-Hillary. She is everything Hillary supporters want to support when they support Hillary, female power, strong female leader, homey (remember the cookies in 1992), etc. and she is one more thing that none of the other three are. She is a true middle class mom. Bye-bye to Obama's argument that McCain is out of touch with the middle class. Her looks also counterbalance an overlooked Obama card. Never mind that if McCain is elected he will be almost older than the VP and the first lady together. His guts in playing to win show that he is young and vibrant and every bit typical McCain. Mr. Obama, welcome to the big leagues.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Spectre of Iran and al Qaeda

The Democrat ticket is now complete. Obama and Biden take the center stage to dangerously falling poll numbers to try and convince the US that they can lead. But the weak knee-ed ticket is not the US's at all.

While Obama, like Clinton before him, was pulled from obscurity (due to oratory skills) to stir things up, and given the keynote speech at the DNC, to be groomed as the excitement maker in the following election, his record on Middle East terror seems to be calcifying. His selection of Joe Biden seals our suspicions.

Al Qaeda and its adjuncts believe that they can subvert our elections and come to center stage with a suitable leader of the "free world". Iran is the chosen capital. These two brothers in crime, though enemies in religion, have sparked a terror spree throughout the world. In Madrid, they subverted the elections by creating a terror event shortly before the election, and the candidate that al Qaeda supported came from behind to win. Ditto in Bali, and the fate of John Howard in Australia. But that was low hanging fruit. Ditto in Britain and 7/7. In 2004, Osama bin Laden openly endorsed the Democrat candidate and openly threatened the "red states", just a day or two before the election. He lost that gamble, and was unable to make good on his threat. So they lost the credibility to try that again.

Next move would be to try and get a more friendly candidate elected. One thing the terrorists have shown is immense patience. Now, they have Obama and Biden risen to prominence. Many of Obama's friends in crime and policy are anti-American, Arab and Iranian activists, who support and / or perpetrate terror. Ayers, a convincted terrorist, Wright, supporter of anti-American terror, Rezsco, a Syrian real estate co-conspirator, have all made the news on Obama's coattails. Ringing endorsements of Obama have already been put forth from Iran and Hamas, a pro-al Qaeda and pro Iran terror satellite, and the de facto Palestinian goevernment. So what more?

Enter Joe Biden, the most pro-Iran member of the Senate, bar none. And by Iran, I do not mean the dissidents and Persian democrats that arrive at our shores, but the government of Iran. The Khomeini idolizing, mullah worshipping, terror exporting (look up Hizballah, Hamas, al Qaeda Iraq, and the Syrian government for more information), US embassy hostage taking government of Iran, currently seeking nuclear missiles to replace their old benefactor, Russia. (Russia would rather restart the cold war than allow this at the moment, but that for another day.) There is a reason that Biden-ijad did not win the nomination and has never been in serious contention for the presidency. And there is an obvious reason why he is Obama's "perfect choice" for VP. Just Google Biden and Iran if you are unfamiliar with him.

Make no mistake. Al Qaeda was thwarted at their game, trying to create the acts of terror here that so plagued Israel in 2001-2 that they had 3 weekly suicide bombings for a year and a half. They were thwarted at the August 2001 Durbin UN conference on racism, trying to turn it into a forum for anti-Jewish fervor, before the US walked out on the spectacle. And they were thwarted, though not fully defeated, in Afghanistan and Iraq, containing Iran on both sides. Iran has been headlong plunging toward gaining devastating weapons and means of terror to topple the US from its superpower perch, but has been unsuccessful in breaking Israel in 2006 from Lebanon, or in getting its materials past world sanctions. It currently has armed Hizballah back above its prewar levels and has given them technology to reach deep into the largest Israeli population centers. It has used its UN lackeys, UNIFIL to openly transport weapons between Syria and Hizballah. Now it is attempting its finale, the keystone of the plan to dampen US power in the world. Al Qaeda and Iran are attempting again to get the keys to the US presidency.