Monday, January 26, 2009

The Sun says so, it must be true

This from a James Hirsen editorial, illustrating Obama's growing star power. It looks like Farrakhan attended the inauguration after all.

Quoth Hirsen:

"The celebrity mystique has even affected those who watch the skies for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. In a piece aptly titled “The Empire Strikes Barack,” the U.K. Sun reports that aliens in UFOs may have attended the Obama inauguration ceremony. Reportedly, a shadowy object streaked across the sky in CNN footage taken immediately before Obama’s inauguration speech. The object flew behind the Washington Monument and vanished into the clouds.

UFO expert Nick Pope said, “We know it is not an aircraft because a strict no-fly zone was imposed over the area. It seems to have been going a little bit too fast for any type of bird.”

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Global Hysteria and Responsibility

The best argument that I have seen against radical "global warming" policy changes, is the positive argument proposed by Dr. Michael Crichten of Andromeda Strain fame.

Let's concede for argument's sake that man-made causes are aggravating global warming to a potentially dangerous level and that the world will undergo detrimental effects in several decades. Is there anyone who cannot imagine that we will live in a different world with different rules and priorities by then. does anyone imagine that technology will not progress sufficiently to make the unknowable and undoable of today cheap, easy or not worth doing in the future. Let's look back a few decades and see what has happened. Epidemic diseases polio and smallpox are now gone, non-issues. Airplanes make travel across the US and across the world fairly inexpensive and easy. People regularly live 20-30 years longer and they are healthier throughout. Smoking has been found to be dangerous and has reduced greatly as a common habit. Infections can now be treated. The human genome has been mapped. Space is reachable. Communication around the world is affordable and easy. Television, movies, image manipulation are at levels unimaginable in the 20s and 30's. E.g. in 1939, color was first introduced in the movies, and television made its first appearance at the world's fair exhibition in those years. This list could be very long.

In fact, is there anyone who would like to buy a computer now for a birthday present to give someone three years from now. What would cost thousands of dollars today will be inexpensive in 3 years and things that do not exist now will be available.

Is there anything in the realm of science and technology that Teddy Roosevelt could have done to help us with a problem that he had foreseen affecting our generation? How about Coolidge? Hoover? FDR?  Billions to manage the polio and flu epidemics in the future? The answer is, not really. I imagine that in several decades the problem will be quantified and detected precisely, not just with innuendo, the main culprits being blamed today will no longer be in use in the same way, ways of dealing with the problem will develop using technology that we may not even know about yet. Certainly, anything that we can do today for billions of dollars that it would cost will be much less expensive and much more easily achievable. So, should we be irresponsible and leave this problem to our grandchildren? Or should we be responsible and and buy them a computer now for their needs in 80 years? It would seem that being irresponsible is the only responsible thing to do.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Business as usual

Well, BBC displays, complete with videos, articles about how the poor Palestinians are rebuilding their tunnels and getting back to the important work of arms smuggling. Meanwhile, the UN feels it must investigate the Israeli attacks to find "war crimes". Never mind videos showing Hamas using children as human shields. We must find why children were killed. Never mind the missile trail shown coming from a UN building. We must find why the bulidng was bombed. And when smugglers go right past baby blue troops ... Israel, why on earth do you still belong to the UN?

Update: On and on
About how Gaza's children have been scarred by "Israel's war"
About Israeli soldiers accused of war crimes for unintentional civilian deaths. I assume that Hamas leaders will also be accused of war crimes for intentionally using children as human shields (caught on video), targeting civilians (by their own proud rhetoric) and firing from dense civilian areas (also caught on video) and "non-combatant (read: UN)" buildings. I'll hold my breath ... Hurry up guys, I'm turning blue ... Crickets.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration thoughts

First of all, I saw the interview with President Bush, done by Sean Hannity. That should be the end of all the silly scuttle about how stupid or foolish or war happy or evil or whatever else he is supposed to be. I for one, would like to thank the former President for his service, his dedication, his selflessness and his courage. In short, I agree with President Obama's assessment, and I believe that the president will find more and more that the former president did what had to be done.

Second, I would like to address the flub of the oath. The constitution gives a very clear oath to say, word for word, with fundamentalist precision. For the record, all of those who will talk about how Obama's nerves got the best of him and all, please just ... just ... DON'T. Obama DID NOT flub the oath, Chief Justice Roberts did. Obama was simply trying to follow Roberts, and wasn't sure whether he should follow the constitutional oath or the words of the Justice. CJ Roberts, for goodness sake, learn your lines before the curtain rises.

Here is some thoughts on the speech:

"What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them — that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply. The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works — whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified."

Where in the Constitution does the government have these duties? Which branch is supposed to provide jobs and dignified retirement? It works? Could not the same be said about the police or corporate America, it doesn't matter the size and therefore the cost, as long as "it works"?

"Nor is the question before us whether the market is a force for good or ill. Its power to generate wealth and expand freedom is unmatched"


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals. Our founding fathers ... our found fathers, faced with perils we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations. Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience's sake. And so to all the other peoples and governments who are watching today, from the grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born: know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman, and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and that we are ready to lead once more. "

He means, let's get rid of all of those less than pretty practices in the military and in intelligence. Let's stop having enemies and make friends with everyone. If we are nice to everyone, then they will like us and stop fighting us. That is the campaign rhetoric behind these words. It is hard to imagine anything more naive. The founding fathers he quoted never addressed such practices, nor did they necessarily disapprove them in appropriate circumstances. America can take pride in its military and intelligence communities' practices and self examining devices. The very fact that they have such devices is a credit to them. It is unprecedented in the world.

"Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring convictions. They understood that our power alone cannot protect us, nor does it entitle us to do as we please. Instead, they knew that our power grows through its prudent use; our security emanates from the justness of our cause, the force of our example, the tempering qualities of humility and restraint. "

Continued naivete. Appeasement, i.e. humility and restraint, caused WWII and lengthened the cold war. We faced down fascism and communism with the threat and execution of military defeat, regardless of how our allies turned on us. Perhaps I could recommend some history books, Mr. President.

"roll back the specter of a warming planet"

If the threat is a century away, what can we do about it now. Are we not imaginative enough to think of technology 80 years in our future that might curb any threat they may find. The computer models that created this scare were fully unimagined 80 years ago, and I imagine they will have things unimaginable today in 80 years. They will be in a much better position then to assess the threat and react to it.

"We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you. "

These words contradict your previous words and philosophy in this speech. I hope this is the view that will solidify for you. Elegantly stated, Mr. President.

"For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace. "

Huzza Huzza. Obama on his own turf. I must tip the hat here.

"To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West — know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist. "

It is yet to be seen if he will insist on the respect part, or if he will just try to pathetically work his way into their gangs as Chairman Ban and most of Europe are trying. But since this a comment on the speech, if he is true to it, I applaud it. But I beg him to learn the history of appeasement and beware.

Most of the rest of the speech was the stuff of kumbaya. If I have missed anything, please let me know.

Mr. President, you are perhaps the closest we will ever come to a non-politician in the White House. I have no idea what you bring to the table, but I hope you succeed in those places that I applauded you above. I hope you change your mind about the rest. You seem to be a man who cares for the country. Remember it in thy orisons.

Monday, January 19, 2009

More Obama

As I have continually said, these jokes are not because I have anything against the incoming president. As a matter of fact, I think he is a lot classier than Clinton or Gore, a lot more well centered on logic than Biden, and has shown a great deal of pragmatism for a novice. On the hand, he shows his naivete almost daily, his dodging of the Gaza issue, his focus on domestic policy at a time when foreign policy will be key, and the way his own team "plays" him with a free hand show him to be liable to become a puppet of the shrewder cats. I hope there is more to him than what I have seen so far. Certainly, four years will give him a chance to shine or bust.

On the other hand, every president has had to take the slings and arrows of outrageous jokes at his expense, fair and unfair. Anything that tests the incoming president and makes him more savvy, I am all for it. The late nights have whined that Obama says and does nothing funny enough to be lampooned, more than suck at golf and bowling. I, uh, uh, disagree. Mr. President Elect / President, G-d bless you, man. Let's get to it.

Joe the VP elect has announced that selecting Leon Panetta was a mistake. Further, he disclosed the itinerary of his upcoming to trip through war torn countries full of US enemies. Obama refused to comment saying that the administration has only one idiot at a time.

Panetta hasn't had much experience in intelligence. He worked for the Nixon administration, the Clinton administration ... not much intelligence ...

Obama has kept completely mum about Gaza. Obama will not tell us what his policy or philosophy is on Gaza. He says he will update us on his views as soon as he forms them.

Hamas says that they cannot expect Obama to defend them militarily. They are looking for a bailout, though.

The inauguration will cost over $140M, more than 3.5x what Bush spent. In fact, back in Rome, Caligula was shocked at the price tag. Some are saying that the money might be utilized better giving out a dubious stimulus package or bailing out CEO's. The parade will conclude at the White House, where Obama will turn the lawn fountain water into wine.

Obama properly backed away from the grave of the unknown soldier after laying a wreath. Biden turned his back, which violates protocol. Then Biden turned back to the grave and said that he meant no disrespect. Then he invited the unknown soldier to "stand up and let everyone see you".

Another 800 billion dollars is on the bailout table in Congress. This is in addition to the last bailout. Meanwhile, Bill Clinton was around Washington trying to get his package stimulated.

1.5 trillion in unaccountable handouts and we haven't even gotten to the poor yet. I hope there is some cake left for them to eat. Obama commented that he was very distressed. It will take him at least three months to fund raise this much. Time to put those foreign donors to work.

Martin Luther King Day precedes the inauguration by one day. And Obama and King are very similar in reputation. Except that Dr. King actually did something to obtain his.

Global warming will be the first major problem on the agenda. The most recent IPCC conference was postponed due to the blizzard.

A heroic and skilled pilot brought down a jet liner into the Hudson river and saved everyone on board. It appears geese got sucked into the engines and took down a jet liner, and this guy brought the plane down on the water, and was the last one off. Incredible. The FAA is considering allowing hunters to cull the geese. Where the heck is governor Palin when we need her? The UN decried the horror of geese living conditions near the airports and ordered a unilateral ceasefire.

CNN reports

Poor destitute Palestinians emerge from Gaza to see their ruined homes and lives. The overwhelming force force which Israel unleashed has destroyed even the soccer fields where the little children play. A Hamas spokesman declared a great victory, to raise hope from the ruins. One day, he told the crowd, the Israeli occupation will end and we will be free. We will not need or non-explosive rockets, or our poor young children who will run into the battle to protect a holy izzadim al kasam fighter. A woman cradled her crying infant, to comfort him telling him he will never see his father again. His father died when the Hamas bomb factory next door was bombed by Israel.

Israelis in the posh villas of Sderot, BeerSheva and Ashkelon pity the Gaza Arabs. At the same time, most cannot be bothered with day to day worries of these people as long as the rockets hitting the outskirts of their towns stop. It does not matter how many poor little babies need to be killed in Gaza, they say, as long as Hamas rockets don't scratch the paint on my SUV.

This is British reporter Achmed al-Wasri abu Jafari live in Gaza.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Weekly Obama

The New York Times White House correspondents opine that Obama will be forced to abandon most of his campaign promises given the realities of the problems that his administration will face. Does this mean that many of the rookie senator cum president's ideas that he sold to millions of followeres were too naive to be realisitic? Who would have thunk it?

Even Sylvia Browne didn't see that coming.

Obama did not offer a position in his administration to DNC Chairman Howard Dean. Obama spokesmen indicated that Biden was already on staff and "one is enough".

Executive orders regulating torture of terror suspects are likely to be revoked by the incoming president. He feels that any measure used against terror suspects should be proven safe by being demonstrated on the Secretary of State.

Torture should be reserved for rare instances of real and immediate need. Joe the Plumber comes to mind.

The press corp at the White House is very happy to be rid of Bush. They say he had a difficult time expressing himself, and that it will be refreshing to have a polished speaker like Obama giving those press conferences. Obama responded that he was, uh, very, uh, flattered with the faith that the, uh, press corp puts in, uh, him.

In Iran, Hamas supporters defaced, ran over, and otherwise dissed posters of Barack Obama. MSNBC reports that this is actually a show of affection among Iranians. Apparently, our reputation among terrorists' supporters around the world is worse than we thought after 8 years of Bush. Obama immediately offered to negotiate with the demonstrators without preconditions.