Monday, January 26, 2009

The Sun says so, it must be true

This from a James Hirsen editorial, illustrating Obama's growing star power. It looks like Farrakhan attended the inauguration after all.

Quoth Hirsen:

"The celebrity mystique has even affected those who watch the skies for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. In a piece aptly titled “The Empire Strikes Barack,” the U.K. Sun reports that aliens in UFOs may have attended the Obama inauguration ceremony. Reportedly, a shadowy object streaked across the sky in CNN footage taken immediately before Obama’s inauguration speech. The object flew behind the Washington Monument and vanished into the clouds.

UFO expert Nick Pope said, “We know it is not an aircraft because a strict no-fly zone was imposed over the area. It seems to have been going a little bit too fast for any type of bird.”

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