Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin - Typical McCain

The man with the hair trigger shoots from the hip. Nothing new here. Palin was not on anyone's VP radar, but she definitely adds a dimension to this race. And no, that is not a reference to her Miss Alaska credentials, but a contrast to the uninspired choice of Joe Biden. Nothing says change like more of the same, and nothing say more the same like Joe Biden. He is a Senator, "entitled" to his seat, playing whatever cards Reid and company wnat "everyone" to play. He takes all of the safe Democrat positions on issues, extending himself only to lean more left than his party. IOW, he is the right age, the right color, the right longevity, the right part of the country, the right philosophy to not be a "bad" pick and lose. But those who play not to lose usually lose bad. Ask Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen, the NE Patriots, or any of the heavily favored silver medal stars of the past. Obama was about taking chances, that was his charm. His VP pick shows that he is changing course and playing it safe. And safe is not safe.

McCain, on the other hand, took a huge risk. He selected a historic candidate on several counts. She will be the second woman to run on a major party ticket. She has 1.5 year of executive experience as a small state governor, which the Dems cannot poo-poo for obvious reasons, after displaying the Clintons for two days. The other three candidates have ZERO. She is clean, and I do not be in the sense that Biden called Obama "clean". She is corruption free. Her biggest scandal is that she may have used her authority as governor to force a commissioner to fire a state trooper who had been known to get violent with his ex-wife, Palin's sister. We can't have people getting thrown off the force and losing a gun and badge, just because they are violent, now can we? She is religious, family woman and pro-life, often used against a candidate. She is only 44, but so was copresident hillary in 1992. McCain feels that this a time for pragmatism, so he pulls Palin out of a hat. Did it work? Put it this way. Obama's team immediately criticized her appointment, and Obama called them off. That's right, Obama was forced to praise the pick, feeling that criticizing her would harm him with Hillary supporters.

Sarah Palin is the anti-Hillary. She is everything Hillary supporters want to support when they support Hillary, female power, strong female leader, homey (remember the cookies in 1992), etc. and she is one more thing that none of the other three are. She is a true middle class mom. Bye-bye to Obama's argument that McCain is out of touch with the middle class. Her looks also counterbalance an overlooked Obama card. Never mind that if McCain is elected he will be almost older than the VP and the first lady together. His guts in playing to win show that he is young and vibrant and every bit typical McCain. Mr. Obama, welcome to the big leagues.

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